Did romanticism die? It’s up to you to judge! Every day many love stories begin and finish, but the most talked about relationship of this period is without a doubt the one of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The grandson of Queen Elisabeth will get married soon: what about his proposal? In front of a roast chicken!
I’m sure that, at least once in her life, every little girl dreamt the Prince Charming. A man dressed in a pair of stockings, blue shorts and with a feathered hat: it’s a questionable choice but everybody can get wrong! Once we grew up our tastes became more sophisticated and we started daydreaming about two real Royal Highnesses. Princes of England fomented the ‘royal ambitions’ of many teenagers, but when William married Kate, he partially destroyed their hopes. Now, his brother did the rest. Harry and Meghan, this is the main gossip of the latest days: wedding soon at Buckingham Palace!
And while we are trying to accept this situation and carefully examine the family trees of all the European royal families looking for another option, the bride and groom-to-be tell us how they met and about the proposal. If you are imagining an enchanting set and dreaming locations, stop please…«We were just trying to roast a chicken, he got on one knee and I could barely let him finish proposing». The end. What a sadness! The British prince and the American star(let) are aristocratic but it seems that they forgot what romanticism means. Where’s the fairy tale effect?
Harry and Meghan are destined to be the protagonists of international tabloids but what happens in the real life, so in our ordinary routine? It happens that while we are roasting a chicken, probably somebody will ask us to give him potatoes!
No ring, no white dress. But maybe it’s not so bad. Because, even the most cynic girls, look for something better. In our mind we have magical atmospheres, we clearly see a man that gets on one knee and pronounces the fateful proposal: in Paris, under the Eiffel Tower. At the sunset, on a paradisiac island. In the same place where you met for the first time. In a place that is meaningful for both. Organizing a flash mob or in any other extraordinarily theatrical or intimate way. Honestly, I think that the fairy tale probably exists for Pretty Woman, but there aren’t so many Richard Gere ready to climb up onto the roof! It’ll be a wish, forever. Or it will happen…not to us.
If even a Royal Highness-to-be got the proposal during a barbecue, it’s normal to feel hopeless.
An Instagram profile called How he asked is described as The only site that makes you cry (happy tears) daily. And it does. I suggest you visiting it! I let my childish dreams run wild while looking at those pictures and unfortunately, I forgot that they are the exception not the rule.
Hence, Harry and Meghan taught us how to become more realistic, especially for what concerns romanticism. Because love matters, but I will never stop believing that every woman deserves, at least once in a lifetime, to feel like a princess.