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While the world is worried for nuclear attack in North Korea, in U.S.A. hurricanes devastate countries and Ryanair suddenly changed the carry-on baggage policy, in Italy we are hurt by the Buondì commercial. Is it politically incorrect? For sure it’s incisive.

What’s the power of advertising? Persuasion, participation, debate. And it doesn’t matter if the commercial is not so true or far from the reality, what really counts is to influence the consumers. We can say that Motta, thanks to the Buondì commercial, hit the nail on the head. The current polemic has arisen because of the asteroid that hit the unbelieving mum. Her fault? She denied the existence of a light and tasty breakfast. Same destiny for the dad that, because of his skepticism, suffers the revenge of the sky. So, the daughter is without food and probably not so much shocked.

It supposed to be an ironic commercial and became a national issue. Child care organizations, scandalized parents and even VIPs said their opinion. And so, the rapper Fedez, shared his viewpoint. He posted Instagram Stories in which he defined the Buondì commercial cruel but worthy of defense.

People talk about it, controversies catch on fire. Motta marketing department says thanks and calculates the return on investment. It was born as a normal commercial and became viral. I don’t like Buondì but it may be better if I try it again!

Being unconventional caused a stir.

No happy families, no smiling mums that clean dirty floors. The last time that snacks have been protagonists, it was because of the palm oil, but that’s another story. How many times are commercial incorrect and fake? The effervescent suppository, Mr. Buonaseeeera, Banderas and the hen, Giovanna paints the bird cage dressed in a sexy mini-skirt, Rocco eats chips and so on. Who cares if the Buondì commercial is considered inappropriate, it’s already immortal. May an asteroid hit me if this commercial will be cancelled…nevermind, it’s better to keep quiet!

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